Open source neural machine translation

Argos Translate

  • Check Mark Open source
  • Check Mark Python library, Web app, API, Desktop app
  • Check Mark State of the art neural machine translation
  • Check Mark Train and package custom language models
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Open-source offline translation library written in Python

Argos Translate uses OpenNMT for translations and can be used as either a Python library, command-line, or GUI application. Argos Translate supports installing language model packages which are zip archives with a ".argosmodel" extension containing the data needed for translation. LibreTranslate is an API and web-app built on top of Argos Translate.


import argostranslate.package
import argostranslate.translate

from_code = "en"
to_code = "es"

# Download and install Argos Translate package
available_packages = argostranslate.package.get_available_packages()
package_to_install = next(
        lambda x: x.from_code == from_code and x.to_code == to_code, available_packages

# Translate
translatedText = argostranslate.translate.translate("Hello World", from_code, to_code)
# '¡Hola Mundo!'



Screenshot Screenshot2

Command Line

$ argos-translate --from-lang en --to-lang es "Hello World"
Hola Mundo

$ echo "Text to translate" | argos-translate --from-lang en --to-lang es
Texto para traducir

Video intro

Machine Translation in Argos Translate

LibreTranslate Web App (Demo)

Web App Screenshot

LibreTranslate API

const res = await fetch("", {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({
        q: "Hello!",
        source: "en",
        target: "es"
    headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"}

console.log(await res.json());

// {
//    "translatedText": "¡Hola!"
// }

Translate All The Things! An Introduction to LibreTranslate - FOSDEM 2023

Machine Translation in Argos Translate


I give away all of the Argos Translate code for free under a permissive license meaning anyone in the world can use the software free of charge. Although I enjoy building and maintaining open source software it is a lot of thankless work and I need to generate income for Argos Translate to be sustainable. Donations are greatly appreciated

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  • Ethereum: argosopentech.eth

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Hire Me

I’m also available for hire! I do software development contracting and can help you develop or maintain software. I have experience with Python, C++, Android, Linux, Machine Translation, Qt, Web Development, and more. I am also a quick learner and could help with many different types of IT tasks.